Wednesday, March 11, 2009

More Pothole Fun!

The City of Indianapolis website has some new features on it. I was pleased to find some specific improvements with some new information that you might want to refer to periodically, namely for scheduled chuckhole repairs. is where you can access the scheduled repairs. DPW restructured last year into planned and unplanned repairs. This allowed them to initiate scheduled maintenance, which as any good car owner knows is key to maintaining things properly. This link is for the crews doing the preventive maintenance for known stretches of bad road. Unplanned repairs are not listed here, as they are by definition unplanned. That is in response to your emails and calls.

Please use the new link to report potholes directly 24 hours a day at


Gary A. Loveless

Mayor's Neighborhood Liaison/Perry and Franklin Twps.

Mayor Gregory A. Ballard

2160 City-County Building