Hello UIndy Community!
It's that time of year again for the Great Indy Cleanup! I know many participated last year, and the Community Programs Center, along with Campus Program Board, would like to extend that opportunity to you again.
The Great Indy Cleanup will take place on Saturday April 4th, 2009. Registration starts at 9 am by UIndy Hall, with the service projects lasting from 9:30 am until noon. These projects range from picking up trash at UIndy and the surrounding community, as well as the Hannah House and University Heights church and preschool. The hours of service accumulated can be added to students' transcripts.
Lunch and t-shirts will be provided to all who participate.
Registration is currently taking place! There are green forms available in SC 209 (Student Affairs Office). However, if you would like us to send you an electronic copy of the form, please e-mail us a response. Registration can be by individual or teams.
Also, we are looking for Group Leaders for each of the projects during this event. The Group Leaders would be responsible for taking a group to an area assigned to them. We would love for faculty to participate as Group Leaders. If any faculty members are interested, please have them respond to me for more details.
This will be an exciting event, and we hope many of your will want to take part!
Thank you for your time!!!!
Marianna K. Foulkrod
Community Partnerships & Service Coordinator