Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Attention Neighbors. Now is the time to take part!


Are you concerned about?
Loud parties
Pot holes and Abandoned cars
Barking dogs
Unsafe driving
Parked semi trucks
Suspicious people and cars
Door to door solicitations
Graffiti and Vandalism

Would you like to see?
A beautiful neighborhood sign
A Pocket park
Good sidewalks
Ample street lighting
Repaired streets
Good alleys
Friendly neighbors
Increased property values
Involved landlords

If you said “yes” to any of these questions, then you are a concerned neighbor and care about the future of our neighborhood. There have been some problems and concerns as well as dreams for a better neighborhood in the near future. In order to accomplish these dreams, we must all get involved. The meeting held last fall is proof that we only get a response from neighbors when there are problems. We should stay one step ahead of the problems and work together to make our neighborhood a community that people desire to live in.

We have an opportunity that many neighborhoods do not have – the University of Indianapolis is our neighbor and our friend. They have made it clear that they want to be a good neighbor and are willing to help us; all we have to do is ask. David Wantz, from the Community Relations office at UIndy, has agreed to facilitate a workshop to help create this vision and to also establish a mission statement for our neighborhood.

There will be (2) workshops available in order to accommodate everyone’s schedule:
Monday, May 11, from 7-9 p.m. OR Saturday, May 16, from 9-11 a.m.
Both workshops will be held on the first floor (Recital Hall) of UIndy's Good Hall (big columns on Hanna Ave. and Otterbein"

(Map available here:

Please mark your calendar and plan to attend either session. I am looking forward to working with all of you to make our neighborhood the neighborhood of choice.

Denny Rusher
President, University Heights Neighborhood Association