Read this today regarding the value of trees:
Trees worth $5.7 million a year to Indy, study says
Study details the economic value of trees and the need to plant more
As a push to plant 1 million new trees across Indiana nears its halfway mark, a new study shows that trees provide an annual $5.7 million benefit in Indianapolis alone.
» Intercept 318.9 million gallons of rainfall a year at an estimated savings of nearly $2 million, or about $17 per tree, in storm-water handling costs.
» Cut electricity use by more than 6,447 megawatt hours, worth $432,000, by the shading effect of trees in the summer, which helps keep homes cool.
» Remove 1.5 pounds of air pollutants per tree, valued at $212,000.
» Increase property values and provide other benefits worth $2.9 million or, on average, $24 per tree.
Read More at the Indy Star:
Not mentioned in the article is that neighborhoods with more trees have less vandalism. Trees slow the cold winter winds. And best of all trees have a positive effect on people - they make us feel happy and connected with nature, they reduce stress, they help us recover from illness faster, and they restore our spirits.Plant a tree this weekend!