University Heights Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sixteen people present. Minutes of the April 20 meeting were reviewed and approved.
1. Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Handed out posters for bank accounts—trying to get people off check cashing places. Passed out rain garden brochures. The City Council approved initiating discussion on the sale of the water company. Some questions and discussion about the financing. E-mail Gary ( and he will send your questions about the sale to the mayor’s staff. There was also a question about the quality of work on the utility project on Hanna.
2. Dept. of Public Works reps Adie Gaines and Marlon Wright talked about the new trash cans. Put your address on the trash can. There is a CAD number that is on the trash can and assigned to the house address. You can have up to 2 cans. The first can is free. An extra can is $65, but it is yours to keep. You need to put all trash in the container and bagged. Bagging will prevent the trash from blowing all over the neighborhood. Pickup is changing from Friday to Wednesday.
There were questions about parking and problems with getting trash picked up, especially on Edwards where cars park on both sides of the street. Put can on the street if possible in those cases. Elderly residents or people with disabilities should call the Mayor’s Action Center at 327-4622. Leaf season will stay the same: bag leaves separately and keep 10 feet away from the trash can. You can drop off trash on Saturdays at 2700 S. Belmont, for a small charge. You can’t leave cans next to the alley during the week, only on trash days. Heavy trash pick up will remain the same.
Note that trash pick-up day will change to Wednesday on June 9.
Question about recycling, how might it change? Recycling is in negotiations right now—they hope to go county wide. The city has requested bids.
3. Election of Co-Coordinators
Ruth Soper was elected to a one-year term, and Angela Lord was elected to a two-year term.
4. Neighborhood Garage Sale
The garage sale committee proposed 2 dates: June 19 or August 28. July tends to be vacation time. Students start moving in August 28th. Were working around some other events. Michael Lientz suggested making a map for those who are participating. The committee can put ads in local papers, maybe offer coupons to students. We agreed to make it August 28.
5. KIB Tree Planting, May 15
Jim reported that the tree planting went very well. We planted 31 trees in our neighborhood, 12 on university property and 19 along Otterbein and adjoining streets. Over 30 people assisted with the planting. Thanks to Richard Lopez for bringing a crew of his employees to help. We had 11 UIndy students assist, so thanks to them. And a big thanks to Nancy Collins and David Wantz for providing coffee and donuts for the event, and making the alumni house restrooms available. Thanks to everyone who helped make the event a success, including those who agreed to take care of the trees in their yards. Remember that each tree needs 15 gallons of water a week from April through October for the next three years. Jerome Delbridge suggested we put in an application to do another planting next year about this time along Bowman and adjoining streets. Four of our neighbors on Bowman signed the previous application, so hopefully they will still be interested in participating. We also had other neighbors express interest after seeing the trees planted. We will need to find locations for a minimum of 20 trees. Jim has an application if anyone wants to sign up to have trees planted in their yard next spring.
6. Neighborhood Park Plan
Some preliminary work is being planned—discussion with possible landscape architects is planned by the university committee working on this.
7. Neighborhood Crime Watch
Diana Faris talked about what we would need to do. It can be no more than 20 houses that face each other. So block by block. Each block would need to have its own committee and would need to have meetings. Ann Westropp is responsible for South district. Neighbors who do this would have to learn procedures. Responsibility is to report crime to the police. You need a membership roster to communicate with each other and for the police. To get signage, you need to have participation and an agreement on where the signs go. The committee needs to have community events—social or educational events. A flyer with information was distributed.
8. Website Update
Karen Barten is our new webmaster. She is updating the website and putting meeting minutes there. She can also announce events there. Send Karen suggestions. Nancy Collins suggested having a message board.
There was a suggestion that we might need to connect with McCana, the Marion County Alliance of Neighborhood Associations.
9. Frequency of future meetings
After some discussion about the pros and cons of meeting every one, two, or three months, we decided to hold meetings July 20, September 21, and November 15. We can hold more meetings if needed. The July meeting can be used to plan for the neighborhood garage sale.
10. Your questions and idea
Diana asked about how we might recruit more people. Flyers don’t seem to matter that much. Greta thinks something needs to be happening. For example, the cards that were made at one of the meetings.
Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing will have a home ownership workshop June 26. Go to to learn more.
Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Next Meeting - Tuesday, May 18th
University Heights Neighborhood meeting
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 7-8 pm
Stierwalt Alumni House, located at Otterbein & Windermere
Co-coordinators: Ruth Soper and David Wiese
Secretary: Jim Pennell
Review Minutes of April 20 mtg.
Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Election of Co-coordinators
Neighborhood Garage Sale
KIB Tree Planting, May 15
Neighborhood Park Plan
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Website Update
Frequency of future meetings
Your questions and idea
Help us create our community!
Please email your name, address, and phone numbers to Nancy Collins at or sign up at the meeting.
Mayor’s Action Center: 317-327-4622
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 @ 7-8 pm
Stierwalt Alumni House, located at Otterbein & Windermere
Co-coordinators: Ruth Soper and David Wiese
Secretary: Jim Pennell
Review Minutes of April 20 mtg.
Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Election of Co-coordinators
Neighborhood Garage Sale
KIB Tree Planting, May 15
Neighborhood Park Plan
Neighborhood Crime Watch
Website Update
Frequency of future meetings
Your questions and idea
Help us create our community!
Please email your name, address, and phone numbers to Nancy Collins at or sign up at the meeting.
Mayor’s Action Center: 317-327-4622
KIB Tree Planting May 15th - Volunteers Needed

Please help with the University Heights Neighborhood Association/Keep Indianapolis Beautiful tree planting Saturday, May 15th, 8:30AM-Noon.
Meet at David and Jennifer Wiese’s side yard, Otterbein and Edwards, at 8:30 AM for registration. Coffee and donuts will be provided by UIndy Community Relations.
Let Jim Pennell know if you will be volunteering at, or 782-2543, if you did not sign up at the last meeting. Please DO NOT bring your own tools. These will be provided by KIB. You can bring your own work gloves if you want. KIB will also provide gloves.
We hope to have additional tree plantings and one thing KIB considers is neighborhood participation. So please help us take what is hopefully our first step at beautifying our neighborhood as part of KIB’s NeighborWoods program.
April 20 Meeting Minutes
UHNA Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2010
19 in attendance
1. Meeting minutes approved.
2. Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Explained some aspects of the utilities sale to Citizen’s Gas.
Central Indiana Coalition for Aging (CICOA): Can get information online to learn about assistance for senior citizens (
Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District: Rain gardens. Native Indiana plants to soak up water. Have plants for sail, rain barrels. Passed out brochures.
Presentation on homelessness at IUPUI Friday, May 7th, 6:30-9:00PM.
Going to be doing energy efficiency work at the City County Building.
Complaints about tree trimming. Perhaps they should take some trees down rather than trimming trees so poorly that they die or look very bad.
Problem of abandoned houses. Properties can go on the mowing list if grass is a foot tall. Then it is cut every 28 days by the city. House on Castle has trees 6 or 7 feet tall. Need to provide him or Mayor’s Action Center an address.
New trash bins will be picked up where trash is currently picked up.
Questions about Health and Hospital corporation and SEND.
2. Nominations and presentation for co-coordinators
One coordinator elected for one year. One for two years.
Angela Lord for co-coordinator was nominated. Would like to see more neighbors involved, coordinate activities and committees, and whatever the neighborhood wants.
Ruth Soper nominated for one year. Has lived here since 1976. Was involved in the 1990s. Interested in keeping our neighborhood growing and attracting young families, having an intergenerational neighborhood. Went to University of Indianapolis, and is invested in this neighborhood. Wants to attract and keep good neighbors, maintain a good connection with the university.
Residents must be present to vote. Will pass out flyers announcing the meeting.
3. Current Project Updates
KIB Tree Planting: Jim Pennell went over the May 15th tree planting. See attached handout.
Neighborhood Garage Sale: Dates that would be bad? May 1st. July 4th. Committee will suggest dates.
Neighborhood Park: Assistant Professor Kevin McKelvey wrote an internal grant proposal that was funded to help plan the park. We need a fully developed plan to take to the UIndy Board of Trustees.
Can the property be used now by neighbors for cookouts? David Wantz said yes, let him know so he can let the university police know.
4. Kelly Sikora suggested a permaculture design as an approach.
5. David Taylor was introduced. Is the current Perry Township constable and is running for the position again.
6. Possible future projects
Alley Resurfacing: Ruth asked Gary Loveless and he said most resources are going to Center Township. Could use the Mayor’s Action Center and call with requests. The more who call, the more likely they will pay attention.
Neighborhood Crime Watch: David Taylor volunteered to find out about Crime Watch. Diana Faris will follow up with him.
Karen Barten will take over the website for the neighborhood from Greg Filter. Bob Burchfield at UIndy will help her.
Frequency of future meetings: Jim suggested discussing the summer at the May meeting, and maybe the fall. Perhaps we don’t need to meet over the summer. Diana agreed that we probably don’t need to meet every month
David Wantz announced the new UIndy dome.
The Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership is going to have a “block party” home ownership workshop June 26th. It won’t be just about buying houses, but staying in them. They have a new documentary out.
Question about certified housing David had talked about earlier. University is still investigating this, but there seems to be some interest in it.
Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell.
April 20, 2010
19 in attendance
1. Meeting minutes approved.
2. Gary Loveless, Mayor’s Neighborhood Liaison
Explained some aspects of the utilities sale to Citizen’s Gas.
Central Indiana Coalition for Aging (CICOA): Can get information online to learn about assistance for senior citizens (
Marion County Soil and Water Conservation District: Rain gardens. Native Indiana plants to soak up water. Have plants for sail, rain barrels. Passed out brochures.
Presentation on homelessness at IUPUI Friday, May 7th, 6:30-9:00PM.
Going to be doing energy efficiency work at the City County Building.
Complaints about tree trimming. Perhaps they should take some trees down rather than trimming trees so poorly that they die or look very bad.
Problem of abandoned houses. Properties can go on the mowing list if grass is a foot tall. Then it is cut every 28 days by the city. House on Castle has trees 6 or 7 feet tall. Need to provide him or Mayor’s Action Center an address.
New trash bins will be picked up where trash is currently picked up.
Questions about Health and Hospital corporation and SEND.
2. Nominations and presentation for co-coordinators
One coordinator elected for one year. One for two years.
Angela Lord for co-coordinator was nominated. Would like to see more neighbors involved, coordinate activities and committees, and whatever the neighborhood wants.
Ruth Soper nominated for one year. Has lived here since 1976. Was involved in the 1990s. Interested in keeping our neighborhood growing and attracting young families, having an intergenerational neighborhood. Went to University of Indianapolis, and is invested in this neighborhood. Wants to attract and keep good neighbors, maintain a good connection with the university.
Residents must be present to vote. Will pass out flyers announcing the meeting.
3. Current Project Updates
KIB Tree Planting: Jim Pennell went over the May 15th tree planting. See attached handout.
Neighborhood Garage Sale: Dates that would be bad? May 1st. July 4th. Committee will suggest dates.
Neighborhood Park: Assistant Professor Kevin McKelvey wrote an internal grant proposal that was funded to help plan the park. We need a fully developed plan to take to the UIndy Board of Trustees.
Can the property be used now by neighbors for cookouts? David Wantz said yes, let him know so he can let the university police know.
4. Kelly Sikora suggested a permaculture design as an approach.
5. David Taylor was introduced. Is the current Perry Township constable and is running for the position again.
6. Possible future projects
Alley Resurfacing: Ruth asked Gary Loveless and he said most resources are going to Center Township. Could use the Mayor’s Action Center and call with requests. The more who call, the more likely they will pay attention.
Neighborhood Crime Watch: David Taylor volunteered to find out about Crime Watch. Diana Faris will follow up with him.
Karen Barten will take over the website for the neighborhood from Greg Filter. Bob Burchfield at UIndy will help her.
Frequency of future meetings: Jim suggested discussing the summer at the May meeting, and maybe the fall. Perhaps we don’t need to meet over the summer. Diana agreed that we probably don’t need to meet every month
David Wantz announced the new UIndy dome.
The Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership is going to have a “block party” home ownership workshop June 26th. It won’t be just about buying houses, but staying in them. They have a new documentary out.
Question about certified housing David had talked about earlier. University is still investigating this, but there seems to be some interest in it.
Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
March 16 Meeting Minutes
University Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2010
March 16, 2010
Thanks to those who distributed flyers to announce the meeting.
18 in attendance.
Minutes from the February meeting: Gary Loveless’s last name was corrected.
IndyConnect project:
Gary Loveless, Mayor’s community liaison, discussed last time. They are collecting data on what people want for transportation. They want information about what we want (bicycle paths, sidewalks) and funding ideas. Ruth passed around brochures. You can go to for more information.
Old inter-urban property line along Madison, question about who owns that. Perhaps it could be used.
Reviewed bylaws voted on last meeting. Second vote was unanimous and the neighborhood bylaws were adopted.
Need nominations for the election of (2) co-coordinators, one to serve for one year and one to serve for two years, so that the terms are staggered. People can self-nominate and should encourage neighbors to run. Ruth Soper is willing to run for the one year term. Gabe Granger is possibly interested in serving. Send your nominations to Ruth at before April 9.
The Great UIndy Clean-up is April 10
Students will pick up trash from 10-Noon, then will be doing projects in other places. Anyone interested in helping, contact Nancy Collins at [note: Nancy sends out the minutes and announcements]. Students will also be making dog toys out of T-shirts, so if you have t-shirts to donate, contact Nancy or bring them to her in the lower level of the Stierwalt Alumni house.
Summer camp is being offered at the Montessori Garden Academy on East St., across from Southern Plaza. Camp is available for ages 18 months to 10 years old.
Great Indy Cleanup – not participating as a neighborhood this year, but you can spruce up your own yard!
Neighborhood Garage sale: We won’t be collaborating with the University on this. Do we want to have one? Suggestion that it be the same month and weekend every year. Have the committee get feedback from neighbors, develop a plan, and report at April meeting.
KIB tree planting – May 15 – TREES ARE FREE.
KIB is seeking to plant 100,000 trees in 10 years. Have planted 18,000 trees so far. David Wiese made arrangements but is moving, so Jim and Greta Pennell will take over. We need neighbors to volunteer to plant trees, and we will recruit some students to help. Those who are interested in having trees planted in their yards, along the street, or in the front yard, or want to assist in planting, should contact Jim at or come to the April meeting.
Neighborhood Park Plan
University faculty and staff who also had various ideas met. The neighborhood committee’s sketch was shared by Greta Pennell. Kevin McKelvey, an English professor interested in working on the project, wrote a proposal for an internal university grant to do additional planning. The university group will consult with the neighborhood committee. According to Nancy Collins, David Wantz is also working on getting a landscape architect, who would need to do a detailed design for the university board of trustees to approve.
Question about broken down cars in yards should be directed to the Mayor’s Action Center, 327-4622.
Concerns about crime in the neighborhood since the probation office opened were addressed. According to Nancy Collins, David Wantz met with the probate judge responsible for the office to express his concerns. Could set up a neighborhood crime watch. We would need volunteers to participate. IMPD has good resources and a liaison. These are usually organized by blocks.
Hanna Ave. report:
They are doing work on the north lanes and will then switch to the south lanes. Phase II is supposed to be done by November 2010; landscaping by May 2011; and asphalt by August 2011. Final project should be completed November 2011.
At the next meeting, we will ask Gary Loveless about getting our alleys resurfaced.
The next meeting is April 20, 7 p.m., in the Stierwalt Alumni House, corner of Windermire and Otterbein.
Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell.
University Heights Neighborhood Assoc. leadership
FROM: Ruth Soper, UHNA Co-coordinator:
Hi neighbors,
We need your help to keep the University Heights Neighborhood Association growing and thriving. It is time to nominate co-coordinators for the May 18 election . Our organization's leadership is designed so that the co-coordinators share the responsibility of developing agendas and chairing meetings. This gives great flexibility if one coordinator cannot always attend. We want to keep it simple. Nominate yourself or ask someone who you think would help make our association successful and effective. Contact either of us by phone or email for more information. Nominees will present themselves at the April 20, 2010, UHNA meeting.
Ruth Soper 317-784-1427
We need your help to keep the University Heights Neighborhood Association growing and thriving. It is time to nominate co-coordinators for the May 18 election . Our organization's leadership is designed so that the co-coordinators share the responsibility of developing agendas and chairing meetings. This gives great flexibility if one coordinator cannot always attend. We want to keep it simple. Nominate yourself or ask someone who you think would help make our association successful and effective. Contact either of us by phone or email for more information. Nominees will present themselves at the April 20, 2010, UHNA meeting.
Neighbor Power! The MAIN Event!

I am hoping several interested University Heights neighbors can attend this event and report back to us. It is for neighborhood associations to network, share ideas about best practices, green initiatives, sustainable communities, neighborhood improvments, etc. - IT IS FREE. I talked to Jon Berg. He encouraged us to send 3-4 people.
Check out for videos about previous events.
Check out for videos about previous events.
Sign up if you are interested. You can contact me at or 317-784-1427. The next UHNA mtg. is May 18, 2010.
Who: Anyone interested in creating a new community event (from small block parties and neighborhood cleanups to a full scale parade), volunteer recruitment strategies, the vendor selection process or improving an existing event.
New to the community events scene? Come learn about what's happening in your neighborhood. Learn tips on how to improve your event from top to bottom.
We'll have experts on hand for a panel Q&A session to answer all of your event questions.
What: Get Connected! Join your peers and learn about community events, share ideas, and plan actions.
When: Thursday, May 20th from 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Where: Harrison Center for the Arts (Underground Room)
1505 N. Delaware Street
Snacks will be provided. Space is limited for this event. RSVP to Jon Berg at or 317.396.0588 ext 15.
Get Neighbor-Powered!
This topical peer-to-peer discussion forum is a follow up event to the 2009 Neighbor Power! gathering where more than 250 Indianapolis residents came together to share ideas about how to make their neighborhoods better places to live, work and play. At Neighbor Power! more than 100 people expressed an interest in continuing a local conversation on particular topics. This "MAIN Event" forum is the second of a series of topical peer-to-peer discussions to network local leaders to one another, highlight good neighborhood work, and inspire further community action.
Explore our newly updated website at Browse 2009 session videos and resources on topics such as abandoned housing, youth engagement, and neighborhood events.
About Neighbor Power!
LISC founded Neighbor Power! in 2009 with the help of a myriad of volunteers. In partnership with Making Connections Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center, we are working to give neighbors access to materials and information presented at the conference, provide networking tools for individuals wishing to continue conversations, and develop future Neighbor Power! gatherings.
Explore our newly updated website at Browse 2009 session videos and resources on topics such as abandoned housing, youth engagement, and neighborhood events.
About Neighbor Power!
LISC founded Neighbor Power! in 2009 with the help of a myriad of volunteers. In partnership with Making Connections Indianapolis and the Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center, we are working to give neighbors access to materials and information presented at the conference, provide networking tools for individuals wishing to continue conversations, and develop future Neighbor Power! gatherings.
Greetings from Your New Webmaster
Hello. My name is Karen Barten. I have volunteered to take over the role of maintaining the website for the UHNA. I am very excited about the opportunity to help communicate the happenings in our neighborhood as well as the progress being made through the neighborhood association.
I welcome you to take a look around & visit often as I will be sharing the specifics of upcoming events taking place in our wonderful neighborhood. We have some exciting things going on - like our new park - so stay tuned...
I welcome you to take a look around & visit often as I will be sharing the specifics of upcoming events taking place in our wonderful neighborhood. We have some exciting things going on - like our new park - so stay tuned...