Spring Meeting Just Around the Bend: MONDAY APRIL 7th! Yes, It is on a Monday this time.
Monday April 7, 7:00 PM– In basement of University Heights Methodist Church at the Corner of Otterbein and Hanna. If you have any neighborhood concerns, please bring them to this meeting.
How about the election this month? Did you vote? I almost didn't realize our polling location had changed. I liked walking to UHMC to vote, but I must say the new location on Sumner was fine.
The Great Indy Clean-Up
After last years very successful clean-up of our neighborhood, this year's clean-up has a broader vision with clean-ups around the Southside.
We need 50 volunteers from our neighborhood– Section Leaders, Block Captains, and workers. Bring your own shovels, brooms and other tools that might be useful.
If you have a pickup truck that could be used – bring it. Gloves provided.
Our focus this year will be curbs and then trash in alleys as time permits.
All residents need to park their cars off of streets that morning – church and/or UINDY parking lots should be utilized.
If you are going to work the cleanup, but can not attend the Spring Meeting (see below), contact Denny Rusher @ 788-7019 or 965-4966 so that you can get a T-Shirt.
Annual Garage Sale will be Saturday, May 17.
Get out your stash and sell - sell - sell!