Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Hanna Avenue Update

From: Phil Hunter, Hannah Avenue Project Supervisor....

To All:

See the [above] attached information update.

The tentative schedule is to remove the south half of the Hanna and Shelby intersection for asphalt replacement beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, June 10, 2011. This area will be closed until approximately 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, June 12.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Phillip Hunter

Project Supervisor

Bernardin, Lochmueller and Associates, Inc.

Field Office: (317) 786-9826

Sunday, May 29, 2011

UHNA Meeting Minutes 5.17.11

University Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In attendance: 31 neighbors and additional guests from the university and contracted firms (see under #3 below, also Nancy Collins from UIndy Community Relations).

1. Minutes from the March meeting were reviewed and approved.

2. Election

Ruth Soper noted the election announcement in the newsletter. Matt Jones, candidate for co-coordinator, introduced himself. Jim Pennell gave a testimonial in support. Moved and seconded to elect Matt. Unanimous in favor.

Ruth introduced Quinten Starks as the new UHNA secretary. Quin and his wife, Melyssa, have lived in the neighborhood for 2 ½ years.

3. Presentation on UIndy rezoning

Ruth mentioned the rezoning hearing was moved from May 12 to June 9, 2011.

David Wantz (Associate VP, UIndy Community Relations) introduced Mark Weigand, VP for Enrollment and Student Affairs; Gary Loveless, Mayor’s neighborhood liaison; Ted Jensen from American Structurepoint; Ted Givens and Brian McFarland from Blackburn Architects; Mike Braughton, VP of Business and Finance; and Gene Valanzano from Baker & Daniels, a zoning expert.

Big picture is the university needs another residence hall. Many students work to go to school, go to student teaching, etc., and need cars. To build the residence hall, they are taking out and need to replace the parking lot as well as some parking lost with the building of the dome. The parking lot land is zoned residential and needs to be changed to university zoning to use for the university’s purposes. Will explain the residence hall and parking lot.

Ted Givens from Blackburn Architects: Showed images of different building views. The building will fit with existing buildings. Four stories, about 164 beds. Showed original and new parking lot design. The original drawing was shown to faculty and staff at the university and Blackburn redesigned based on input. A lot of issues, wanted to save more of the trees and make more acceptable for residents, and could also make a positive impression on students. They reduced the number of parking spaces in the redesign from 321 to 293.

Tim Jensen: Wears a couple different hats, storm water management, and also works at DPW three days a week as part of Rebuild Indy project of the city. Owners want the highest amount of spaces and most efficient for the lowest cost. Stucturepoint navigates ordinances and other needs and gives them the lowest price. Submitted a first drawing as a first-case scenario to give the city a chance to respond with desired changes. The second drawing extends Windermere to State. Ponds on the corners of the lots. Need to control the increased run-off from the parking lots and loss of trees and grass. Heard from contingent of faculty—wanted to create a “parking park,” with parking but more green and enticing to prospective students. One house will remain and be the police station, and one house that is not owned by the university will remain. The most recent design has curved Windermere and saves a stand of trees. Moved retention ponds, more bio-retention ponds with native species. Looked where the main clumps of trees were and tried to keep space for a walking path. This will save some of the larger trees, and he thinks it has come a long way. He is a LEED certified AP. Take into account things like water temperature, pavement, etc. The drawing shows existing trees and new trees in darker colors and walking paths are indicated.

Questions: Lights? Will they be consistent with what is in other lots—a bit on the bright and flooding side? Trees help and it needs to be safe. But can some of the light be directed down instead of throughout the neighborhood?

Tim: City requires a full cut-off fixture, sprays light down instead of out. The light style will look the same, but the lights and shields inside protects for over-glows.

Question: Can anything be done about the existing lot (west of Mathews and south of Windermere)? They live on the corner of Castle and Mathews and can’t use the back yard at night due to the lights.

Question: When is the project going to actually start—cutting trees down?

Brian McFarland: Scheduled to begin this summer. After approval, they have to start with parking to make sure there is sufficient parking in the fall.

Question: Is there anything other than asphalt that can be used?

Tim: There is, but there is a budget. Asphalt is the most economical. Concrete is more expensive, but lighter and less heat. Porous concrete, problems with those. Impervious pavers, he likes, but ruts over time and costs five times as much as asphalt. Typically only used if required to or have to.

Ted: Faculty thought it could also be a teaching moment [to use this parking lot technology]. Could use in some places. Also a suggestion that students could plant shrubs or something that engages them.

Question: Shuttle bus service from the lots?

Mark Weigand: No. The lot is planned for students who come and go from campus. From an enrollment standpoint, we have capped enrollment of our freshman class. We need more housing for upper class students. We want to get them back on campus, so many using the lot will be resident students, with some commuters. There will be a traffic light at Nicoson Hall, and the plan is to direct them to that light from the lots.

Comment about parking lot at Mathews and Castle. No one parks there now.

Mark: 164 people in the new residence hall will have cars and be in that area.

Question: Will that lot be designated for residence hall students?

Mark: It is a possibility. Will have to see where it shakes out. There could be designations.

Matt Jones: Concerned about the new exit onto Mathews on the existing lot. It would direct traffic onto Mathews and then into the neighborhood.

Tim Jensen: Something we can look at. Could have a gate and be used only on high-traffic days.

Comment that they could make Mathews one way north.

Jim P. mentioned that faculty also discussed one way north with a right turn only on Hanna.

Question: Is this likely to affect property values. Would it increase property taxes?

Gary Loveless: no.

Two comments about property valuations and taxes recently going up.

Ted talked about the new building. Entrance to the north. Building won’t be LEED certified, but the intent and products that go into a LEED certified will go into this building. Large grove of trees to the front will stay. Building will stair step between Warren and Craven’s heights.

Questions: Is it co-ed by floor?

Mark: Haven’t decided for sure. Have to look at ratio of men to women. Could be either way.

Question: How do students get from Warren to Cravens on sidewalks?

Ted: Some places don’t even put sidewalks in right away but wait to see where traffic patterns happen.

Question: Will the existing streetlights stay on State?

David W: Yes.

Question: No entrances off of Castle and Hanna?

David Wantz: Correct, one on State.

Question: How will trash be handled? Because we have had trouble in our yards. Will people still be able to park on the street?

David W.: Not considered in the rezoning. But the university police could enforce.

Comment: No-parking signs were removed.

Question: Will we have tailgate parties?

David W.: they will go north of Hanna Ave.

Question: Will there be trash receptacles and collection on these parking lots?

David W: Yes.

Question: Two houses were demolished on National at State. Are there plans for that?

[Not answered.]

Question: The lot on Otterbein and Castle. What is going to happen?

David W.: No plans to take down houses. No plan for the lot.

Comment: Once rezoned, then the university could do anything. No check on that. No guarantee that the university won’t take down the houses. Worried about property values going down as a result of parking lots.

Have to get approvals for building even with UQ proposals. Would have to go through the process. But it saves the university time from 120 to 75 days. UQ isn’t as broad of a notification.

Comment: Would like to see a commitment by the university to limit development along Otterbein.

David W: Not part of the master plan to build along Otterbein. The parking lots being proposed are in the master plan. The university is making a commitment to try to encourage people to buy and live in the neighborhood. New faculty incentives that assists with down payment.

Question: Plans for houses on the East side of State?


Comment: Herron Morton neighborhood has a program with IUPUI that helps redevelop homes. Would like to see the university make a commitment to stop moving into the neighborhood and help improve the housing.

Question: Why not create clear boundaries and sell properties on Otterbein instead of rezoning?

Mike Braughton: No one has been interested in the properties. Make an offer.

Comment: Advanced notice to the neighborhood about changes would be appreciated before signs go up.

Mike Braughton said he would take the hit on that. Intended to get a notification out sooner.

Question: How will State be kept open during the construction. What is the plan?

David W: Will talk to Phil Hunter.

Ted: The construction manager is required to produce a safety plan. There is enough university property to stage construction.

Question: Any repaving plans for the rest of the neighborhood.

Gary Loveless: No plans, but another $55 million for paving announced today.

Question: Goal for parking, done this year?

Ted: No. Not sure where they will start. This has to be decided with the construction manager. The dorm is the priority and replacing parking that is being lost.

Mark W: The dorm will take a year. The parking may not be finished until then. There are a lot of drainage issues, so some of that work may be done.

Question: Can we get updates and what the process is?

David W: Yes.

Question: Will the Cummins lot be rezoned since there is a sign there?

David W: Not planned. Gene V.: Not sure how the hearing signs got on that lot.

David W. listed some of the questions/concerns on a flip chart during this discussion and said he would get as many answers as possible for our next meeting.

Neighbors attending decided to meet the following Tuesday (May 24) at the Stierwalt Alumni House at 7:00PM to discuss the university’s plans.

[Informational notes added by the neighborhood co-coordinators and secretary: The dormitory will be replacing a parking lot with 75 spaces. The zoning being requested is UQ-1, which is “University Quarter District One that permits and facilitates the development and expansion of a university complex or campus," according to the university’s petition.]

Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell.

UHNA Meeting Minutes & Thanks

From UHNA Secretary, Jim Pennell...

Hi Neighbors!

Please find attached the minutes from the May 17th meeting where the university presented its rezoning plans to the neighborhood. The minutes are rather long, but I wanted to make sure we captured as much of the question-answer discussion as possible for those who weren't there, as well as for some of us whose memories may not be what they once were.

Since we took so much time with this issue at our meeting and also had an election, I wasn't able to thank everyone who participated in the UHNA-Keep Indianapolis Beautiful tree planting. Our second tree planting resulted in 40 more trees added to our neighborhood, and we were done by noon again!

Thanks to everyone who helped plant, and everyone who agreed to take care of the trees planted in their yards.

Remember to water each tree with 15 gallons of water between April and October unless it rains one inch during a week (I think you are covered for this week). Let me know if you would like a watering bucket.

Also, thanks to Nancy Collins and David Wantz of UIndy Community Relations for providing us with donuts and beverages, and thanks so much to Ken Hottell and the many members of the University Heights United Methodist Church for participating in the planting.

Last, I am working with KIB to plant a few more trees in our neighborhood this summer to fill in the areas we planted the last two summers (Bowman, Otterbein, and cross streets for a block each direction). A group of volunteers from Honda Corp. (the automaker) are going to plant trees in our neighborhood on June 13th. We are going to replace some trees that died last year, but I'm looking for a couple more spots to plant some additional trees; so please contact me at or 782-2543 to let me know if you would like a tree or two. We should end up with 80+ new trees in our neighborhood from all these efforts. Walk around the neighborhood and enjoy our collective efforts!

Jim Pennell (outgoing UHNA secretary)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

UHNA Meeting Agenda

From your UHNA Co-coordinators, Ruth Soper and Angela Lord:
Hi neighbors,
You have probably noticed the orange public hearing signs around the neighborhood. University Heights Neighborhood Association (UHNA) is in discussions with UIndy about proposed zoning changes in our neighborhood. Please plan to attend our upcoming UHNA meeting on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7 PM at the Stierwalt Alumni House (corner of Otterbein and Windermire) to get more information about these changes. A presentation will be given by UIndy representatives. They will also be able to answer questions and address concerns.
Review/Approve minutes of March 15 mtg. 5 min
Elect new Co-coordinator for UHNA 10 min
UIndy presentation about rezoning 30 min
Neighborhood discussion 20-30 min

Ruth Soper and Angela Lord

Thursday, April 28, 2011

You're invited....

University Heights Tree Planting

From UHNA Secretary Jim Pennell....

Hi Neighbors,

Our second Keep Indianapolis Beautiful/University Heights Neighborhood

Association tree planting is planned for Saturday, May 14th, from

8:45AM until about Noon. We really need volunteers to help, since we

are going to plant 41 trees this time -- 10 more than we planted last year!

Please contact Jim Pennell by telephone at 782-2543, or by email at, to volunteer. We will meet for the planting

demonstration in the parking lot of the University Heights United

Methodist Church. Coffee, juice, and donuts will be available at 8:30AM.

No need to bring any tools, everything will be provided. Please join with

your neighbors and help us continue to beautify our neighborhood!

Upcoming Zoning Hearing

April 18, 2011

Dear Neighbor,

You will soon see some orange Public Hearing signs going up in the neighborhood alerting you to potential changes in zoning. I wanted to tell you about the plans before the signs went up so we could talk about them if you had questions or concerns. We have put together a plan that we hope will ease the on-street parking pressure and improve the flow of traffic and safety in the neighborhood. I have included a drawing to make it a little easier to know what might happen.

As you know, our enrollment has grown over the years, so we need more residence hall space. Our plan is to build a new residence hall on the site where Trimble Hall burned in 1983. It will be between the two existing residences on the south side of Hanna Avenue where the parking lot now sits.

To make way for the residence hall and to provide for adequate parking, we intend to use the property we own in the block bounded by Hanna Avenue, State Street, Castle Avenue, and Mathews Avenue. Our hope is to prevent so many cars from parking on the neighborhood streets. We will also install devices to contain drainage so we can minimize the impact of the parking lot.

The plans also call for rearranging some of the streets to make for better and safer traffic flow in the neighborhood.

With the design of Hanna Avenue, it will be very difficult to exit onto Hanna from Mathews because of the new traffic light at University Drive near Nicosin Hall. Turning west could be very time consuming because of the nearness of the stoplight and cars sitting in line waiting for a signal change. As you can see from the diagram, we would like to close Mathews Avenue where it enters Hanna. We would direct traffic coming north on Mathews to the east along Castle over to State Street and then north to the light at Hanna Avenue. If you miss the turn at Castle, there will be a new drive through the parking lot that will also take you over to State and Hanna. By directing all traffic over to State, we believe it will solve a safety issue and improve the flow of traffic through the neighborhood.

There is a hearing tentatively set for May 12, 2011, at the City County Building. The orange Public Hearing signs will alert you to that hearing. Before then, I would be very glad to visit with you to hear your concerns and answer any questions you might have.

We have worked very hard to be good neighbors, and I wanted to give you some early notice to what the University's plans are and to talk with you about them.

Feel free to call me at work (788-3297) or at home (786-6207).

Kind regards,

David W. Wantz

Associate Vice President

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Mathews an Edwards Lot

University Heights neighbors, There have been many discussions about what to do with the vacant lot where the Cummins Apts. once stood (corner of Mathews and Edwards). The attached drawing is a culmination of ideas that will help beautify the area and increase green space that will be usable for residents and students. The layout is the work of Jeff Mader, landscape architect who owns Mader Design. This final drawing includes input from neighborhood residents at our November 2010 meeting, as well as UIndy faculty and staff. The next step is to identify ways to fund the elements incorporated into the design. We will send more information as it becomes available but wanted you to be aware of the improvements that are planned.
Take care, Nancy

Nancy Collins
University of Indianapolis
Office for Community Relations
Stierwalt Lower Level
(317) 788-3297

Friday, April 08, 2011

Prosecutor's Intake Program

From Gary Loveless, Mayor's Neighborhood Liason...

The Marion County Prosecutor’s Intake Program has moved to the Southwest District. Please read the attached flyer and check out what they have to offer. An Open House will be Monday, April 11, from 11 am - 1 pm. Come and visit Southwest District next Monday and talk to members of the prosecutor’s office. Just another way to assist our community. Thank you.

Lori L. Demaree

Sergeant Community Relations

Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department

Department of Public Safety

551 N. King Avenue, Room 236

Indianapolis, IN 46222

Office (317) 327-6436

Fax (317) 327-6490

Police - Fire - Homeland Security - Animal Care and Control

Monday, March 14, 2011

UHNA Meeting Agenda

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 7:00 P.M.
UIndy Stierwalt Alumni House; the corner of Otterbein & Windermire

1. Review/approve minutes of January mtg. 5 min
2. UIndy student project - Ashley Roy 10-15 min
3. Mayor's Liaison update - Gary Loveless 10 min
4. Nominations for May Election of Co-Coord. and Secy. 10 min
5. KIB tree planting update, May 14, 2011 5 min
6. KIB Great Indy Clean-up, April 5 min
7. Neighborhood questions or concerns 5 min
1. Garden plots available at University Heights UM Church. Contact Ken or Georgia Hottell at 317-787-1286.

2. Student misconduct in the neighborhood. Contact the IMPD non-emergency number at 317-327-3811 and Kory Vitangeli, UIndy Dean of Students, at 317-788-3495 or .

3. Meetings for 2011, 7-8 pm: May 17, July 19, September 20, November 15

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Community Garden

University Heights Neighbors,
Hopefully, Spring has sprung, and it's time to start thinking about planting flowers and/or vegetables.
The University Heights United Methodist Church is about to break ground on the Community Gardens project on the lot west of the church and east of Bowman (on the alley). They want to create 6 large plots (4'x16') and 2 small plots (4'x8') and would like area residents to become involved to help promote gardening and personal interaction with your neighbors. Rain barrels for watering will be attached to downspouts on the shed located on the lot, so all you need to provide is labor and a few tools.
They are charging a small fee -- just $15 for big plots and $10 for small.Those interested in having a garden or helping should call Ken Hottell at the church at 787-5347 to sign up. You will be asked to sign a rule sheet that states you will plant by a certain time, weed the garden, keep it attractive, and clean up in the fall. Planting dates are May 1 to Oct 31. Since it is raised, it will be easy to reach and take care of. First come, first served.
I've got my name in for one - how about you! :-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011


From Gary Loveless, Mayor's Neighborhood Liaison:


INDIANAPOLIS – Today, 19 Department of Public Works (DPW) crews are concentrating on the large potholes that could potentially cause property damage. Once the rain subsides and the streets are dry, DPW will continue to repair potholes on the main thoroughfares and the private contractors will continue to fill the potholes in the residential areas.

The crews are using hot asphalt—this results in a more permanent solution to the pothole repair process. Regional paving contractor Rieth-Riley opened its two asphalt plants on Monday, earlier than usual at the City’s request to have access to the hot asphalt. It’s been a diligent effort with DPW crews completing almost 800 pothole service requests on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The number of potholes represented by each service request can vary from one to a dozen.

Residents and commuters are encouraged to let the City know when they spot a pothole. To report a pothole, please visit Potholes can also be reported by calling the Mayor’s Action Center at 327-4MAC.

Meeting reminder

Hello, neighbors!
Spring is just around the corner! There are several neighborhood events being discussed as the winter weather fades away, so try to make it to the next meeting on Tuesday, March 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the UIndy Alumni House (corner of Otterbein and Windermire) to learn more. An agenda will be sent out the end of this week.
Have a great day!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

January Meeting Minutes


JANUARY 18, 2011

In attendance: 22

1. Ken Hottell - University Heights UMC’s Community Garden:

Ken and Georgia Hottell and Mike Hilgert are doing a community garden at the church on the lot west of the church and east of Bowman (on the alley). They want to create 8 garden plots and need help from the community. There will be 6 large raised beds and 2 small in concrete block with compost and topsoil. Rain barrels for watering will be attached to downspouts on the shed located on the lot. You will need labor and some simple tools to garden. Ken and Georgia are master gardeners and will help.

Those interested in having a garden or helping should call Ken at the church at 787-5347 or his home at 787-1286 to sign up. They will ask you to sign a rule sheet that states you will plant by a certain time, weed the garden, keep it attractive, and clean up in the fall. They are charging a small payment -- $15 for big plots and $10 for small. First come, first served. They will issue plots as they are selected. Dates are May 1 to Oct 31. Those who rent plots need to keep them growing, watered, and harvested. A trowel and small rake should be sufficient. Since it is raised, it will be easy to reach and take care of. If you want a flower garden, you can do that, too. They hope it also brings neighbors together to talk. Large lots are 4 x 16 feet and small lots are 4 x 8. They will erect more if they need to next year.

2. Gary Loveless, Mayor's Liaison:

Indy’s Free Tax Preparation, January 27 – Limit is $49,000.

Road work: There is supposed to be retention under Hanna Ave. to reduce flooding. Bicycle lanes are going to be made on Shelby and Madison in the first week of March. It will connect to Pleasant Run Trail and run from Fountain Square to Greenwood. The city is looking to bid $133 million of road construction, so things will remain torn up in the city for awhile.

Question about the recycling program. Gary says the city is working on it.

3. Kory Vitangeli, UIndy Dean of Students:

Kory passed out some information from the student handbook about holding students accountable. About 50% live on campus and about 50% off campus. They are held accountable for university policies regardless of where they live. She deals with students most commonly on apartment complex issues and leases, but also landlords. The handbook has a section on hosting off-campus events. There is a process for dealing with things such as parties. Neighbors need to make her office aware of problems: 788-3495 or If there is an immediate problem, we need to call IMPD. There is a three step process from a warning to suspension or expulsion from the university. The university wants to intervene with problem students. It’s probably not a good time to confront students during a party but the next day. Or call Kory. Ruth Soper mentioned that it can help to introduce yourself when students move in prior to problems.

4. Angela Lord and Ruth Soper - Collaboration with UIndy PR Department:

Met with Rebeccas Deemer, who has a student PR team called Top Dog, and Ezell Moore, Assistant Director of Admissions. Talked about getting more involvement from the community and get feedback about what neighbors want. The student PR team is going to develop some materials and ways to reach out, a welcome packet. Will help make flyers, make it more of a newsletter. Ezell was interested in helping with more outreach and getting information about the neighborhood and its demographics. He wants to educate himself since he answers many questions parents and students ask about what the neighborhood is like.

UHNA logo and meeting signs: Rebecca Deemer’s students prepared these things a few years ago. Ruth and Angela are going to work with Rebecca’s students to revisit these things. Ruth had four signs made to advertise the UHNA meetings. If anyone is interested in working on this, let Angela or Ruth know.

5. Jim Pennell - Spring KIB tree planting:

The second tree planting will be either May 14 or 21 and has been confirmed by Jerome Delbridge at KIB. He will let us know which date later. Jim will be meeting with Jerome this Friday morning to look at yards of requested trees. Anyone on Bowman or connecting streets (Windermire, Castle, Edwards, Markwood, Lawrence) over to Otterbein who would like trees and did not fill out a door hanger or contact Jim should do so as soon as possible. Jim will be soliciting volunteers: we could use 40 people or more. The University Heights Methodist Church will be partnering with us this planting, and hopefully some UIndy students will help.

Talked briefly about the old Cummins Apts. Lot – a landscape architect is working on plans with neighborhood and university faculty and staff input.

6. Ruth Soper - Gateway Community Alliance:

Ruth attended the luncheon meeting at the MCL. They meet four times a year, and people from southside businesses and neighborhoods come to hear the speaker and network with their peers. Also present was a representative from Garfield Park Neighborhood Association, Gary Loveless, David Wantz, and Nancy Collins from UIndy. Discussed “wellness” for small businesses. Hopefully, next meeting will feature a representative from the Super Bowl Committee.

Problem that the Subway has been losing money due to road construction. Could use some customers.

7. David Wantz - Skybreaking event:

UIndy will have an event Thursday, January 27, at 4PM, and you can walk around inside. The Mayor will be there and Mark Miles from the Super Bowl committee. There was a question about whether university athletic facilities in Lilly Fitness center will be upgraded. David said it isn’t clear at this point how or when that will happen. Some of the NFL equipment may be donated hopefully.

8. Angela Lord - upcoming election in May:

We will need a co-coordinator to take Ruth Soper’s place. The election is in May. If you are interested in helping coordinate the association, let Angela know.

9. Brainstorming on ideas for 2011, suggestions of speakers or things we could do:

Welcome wagon packet. Maybe coupons from merchants.

Send Wow cards to neighbors who do good things to their homes – fences or something.

Farmers market.

Wellness fair. Maybe connect with UIndy’s School of Nursing.

Projects for groups such as Teachers’ Treasures that need supplies. Canned goods, etc.

Adopt a fire hydrant, mailbox, or bus stop. Dig out when it snows. Storm drains.

Ideas will require people to take ownership and provide some leadership. But you don’t have to do it alone—can have people work with you.

Karen: Would like to see the neighborhood garage sale again. Maybe the week students come back. Maybe Kory would send out to students. There is now a Classifieds section on UIndy’s My UIndy intranet site. Anyone at the university can post on it.

Diana: Have a garden contest.

Halloweenie Roast. Get a lot of people who don’t come to the meetings.

Angela: Permanent neighborhood signs perhaps. There is a cost associated, so we would have to find a way to pay for them.

Great Indy Clean-up. David Wantz said we could do it from April to October. KIB is involved with that. It helped to have students involved. We can request street sweepers go through the neighborhood to clean the gutters.

We will need to revisit and prioritize what we want to do.

10. Website domain name is about to expire. Angela will explore and renew. Becky Barten will help as webmaster, taking over from Greg Filter.

Minutes submitted by Jim Pennell

Meetings for 2011 (third Tuesday of every other month):
March 15
May 17
July 19
September 20
November 15

Friday, February 25, 2011

Councillors to Hold Town Hall Meeting...


For Immediate Release

February 25, 2011

From the Office of:

Jeff Cardwell, Councillor – District 23

Chairman, Economic Development

City of Indianapolis | Marion County

Office: 317.781.4769

WHO: Councillor Jeff Cardwell, District 23

Councillor Susie Day, District 20

Councillor Jack Sandlin, District 24

WHAT: Town Hall Meeting

WHERE: Perry Township Government Center

4925 S. Shelby Street

Indianapolis, Indiana

WHEN: Saturday, April 9th, 2011 at 1 p.m.